Side Note: did New Yorkers really watch this show? Was it just a romaniticization for the rest of the world? a ploy to boost tourism? whatever.
Where else in America can you see:
- A man masturbating through the zipper hole of his pants - wiener hanging out, in 30degree weather during the morning commute
- Two people dressed like ducks humping in broad daylight - duckhumping - heh
- A giant rat...not that cool, but you always hear people talk about "the rats in New York"...I was just stoked to have that stereotype validated
- Saw a dude literally fall to the ground, limp, mid stride like that dude in that Radiohead song "Just"
- And my personal favorite...my coworker and roommate for my first night, Charlie, saw Gilbert Godfried...probably squaking like a bird or chewing on a carrot(thats what Gilbert Godfried does in my mind, err nightmares)
Please post pics of the ducks, hahahahahahahaha. That's awesome.
You should ruin two career criminals plan to rob a toy store on Christmas Eve and then to further their embarrassment set up an intricate series of traps in a house that is owned by your aunt and uncle but currently being renovated only to get caught at the very end but then to be saved by a homeless lady you met in the park earlier that week.
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