I know, I know, youre thinking - "why Ryan, what an unsubstantiated claim you make regarding the overall likability of one city over another"
Well here's why Chicago rules: within 3 hours of getting off my plane I devoured one of the best slabs of ribs I've ever had in my life at The Weber Grill Restaurant and was solicited for sex outside my hotel by what I have to assume was a homeless crackhead(woman).
Heres how the convo went...
Homeless Crackhead: Can you help me out with some change?
Ryan: Sorry, I don't have anything on me (pulls out pockets Uncle Pennybags style)
HC: Are you here alone?
Ryan: Yeah
HC: Can I stay with you?
Ryan: Sure
HC: (pauses) What do you think I mean?
Ryan: ummm
HC: Can I go upstairs with you?
Ryan: OHH no no no, Im ok, thank you
...HC scurries along nervously
You rule Chicago.
go to a cubs game...do it, also, drink old style and hang out with oprah.
and since I think this might be the best way to get in touch with you, i'm coming home in late october for the first time in 2 years. will you be in sf for halloween? lets jam.
hung out with Oprah last night...girl can eat!
late October, nice!...keep me posted.
Old Style Light is where it's at.
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