Monday, August 25, 2008

It moved...

Just wanted to give a couple single thoughts on Outside Lands before I seriously culminate everything that was this past weekend.
First, Tom Petty was fan-effing-tastic. Almost brought me to tears listening to free-fallin' this morning outside of the DMV...dont ask
Second, Radiohead; although I wasn't "converted" nor did I have some sort of life altering experience like s many Radiohead slurpers put it in Seinfeldien terms, "it moved."
Ill explain later...and spare the crazy music elitist nonsense.


Jennifer Cassity said...

moved is a great way to put it. I would let someone cut off my right pinkie toe to go back....yea i would live toeless for the rest of my life in order to be Free Fallin again....

Sheyna Greenamyer said...

I did not partake in the festivities that is outsidelands, but I did enjoy the aftermath and let me tell you, those pictures are priceless!